Archived News

Week 24 - February 8-12

Only 9 Days Left to Buy Your Tickets to our Grand Gala

RSVP today to Belleville CEO's Grand Gala: CEOnopoly style! We welcome you to a night of dinner, dancing, and dueling pianos. It is a chance to celebrate Belleville businesses and network with many of our supporters - our investors, our speakers, and the community as a whole. Tickets are $60 per person. To reserve your spot, just send your name and any food restrictions to Checks can be sent to 507 Meadow Country Lane, Belleville, IL 62221 payable to the 'Belleville CEO'. We can't wait to see you there!

Our Grand Gala: Platinum Level Sponsors

Lindenwood University

Dr. Brett Barger, President 
Dr. Thomas Trice, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

International Students:

Rafael Follador Gabriel, Brazil
"Makis" Blanca Gomez, South Texas/Mexico
Erika Toft, Sweden
Nico Bourjeais, France
Matt Ratterrec, St. Louis, MO

On Tuesday, the CEO students participated in a discussion with Dr. Thomas Trice, Dr. Brett Barger, and several international students from Lindenwood University.  Dr. Trice spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of global businesses such as security, laws and regulations, language concerns, etc. The Lindenwood students talked about their native countries and the difficulties of starting a business in their countries compared to the US.

Written by Erik Faulkner

Our Grand Gala - Gold Level Sponsorships

CEO Grand Gala Workday

On Wednesday, the class used the day to separate into groups and go around Belleville in preparation for the Grand Gala:

“My group went to Walmart to get all of the supplies to make the center pieces for the gala. We spent time looking for the right items that we need. We had a ton of fun shopping but now all that is left to do is get foam board and get to making the centerpiences! The Gala is getting so close!”

-Paige Montgomory

“Alan, David, and i walked up and down Main Street in the blistering cold. Through our will and toughness we passed out over 100 flyers to various businesses and pedestrians on the street. Our hard work and persistence will lead to greater success for our gala.”

–Stephen Toenjes

“Erik, Heather, Malik and I drove around Belleville to ask for gift cards and donations from the local businesses. I was amazed at how willing our community was willing to support us – every donation counts and everyone was more than willing to help us in any way they could. I’m excited for another day of going out there because it is through experiences like these that we really learn the art of entrepreneurship and strengthens our team.”

-Jessica Stern

Decoration Committee stopped at Walmart to buy all the materials neccessary in preparation for the Grand Gala.
David Rauckman proved that one flyer per bulletin board simply isn't as practical as having three.
One of the benefits of the CEO class is when the students are given the opportunity to market their ideas to people in the community.
Heather Gosebrink inquired with a local manager about a potential donation.

Our Grand Gala - Silver Level Sponsorships:

Mr. Patrick McKeehan Visits Again!

On Friday, Mr. Patrick McKeehan came back to the group to help us with our business plans. He explained to us about how a business plan is like a story. As we are creating and improving on our business plans, Mr. McKeehan told us we have to engage and connect with the people and companies that are looking at us. Also, we were able to present our businesses through a 2-minute elevator pitch. It was a great and useful experience! Thank you, Mr. McKeehan, for coming back and giving the program more direction with your knowledge!

Written by Sandy Amorado

Mr. McKeeham brims with excitement as he explains that business plans are like stories with plot lines, characters, and villians.
Mr. McKeehan showed the important qualities of every business plan.
Sandy Amorado was the first to jump up and pitch her business 'Infinity Box' with her prototype design.
Aspiring student, David Rauckman, pitched his upcoming business 'OurGnome' to the class.
Mr. McKeehan gave Emma Gregowicz some advice on how to deliver her pitch.
Erik Faulkner tried to sell us on his wood burning business.

Our Grand Gala - Bronze Level Sponsorships:

Just a Reminder

Our door is always open. Entrepreneurs, visitors, guests, and friends are welcome and highly encouraged to join us. Drop in and share your story with our students or participate in our class discussions. Check out the schedule on the website.

If you are interested in hosting our students for an educational visit about your business operations or would like to speak to the class and share your story, please email the facilitator, Julie Siebers, at or call or text her at 618.719.3177.

Journal Tidbits

Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible.  The word itself says, "I'm possible!"  This quote relates a lot to this week and life in general.  This week we learned a lot about what being an entrepreneur really means and how business is universal.  To be an entrepreneur, you have to take risks and have conviction with your work.  I learn these two concepts I am still working on, but this week helped a lot. 

The Belleville CEO Program had the opportunity to visit Lindenwood University right here in Belleville, IL on Tuesday.  We were able to meet Dr. Barger, Dr. Trice, and a few of the students that attend the university including international ones.  The students were Nico Bourgeauis (France), Erika Toft (Sweden), Rafael Follador Gabriel (Brazil), "Makis" Bianca Gomez (South Texas/ Mexico), and Matt Ratterree (St. Louis, MO). The presentation was a more of Q&A rather than listen to a lecture, which was quite nice.  We learned about how business is international.  Traveling can be huge part in expanding your horizons.  International business is major concept in our world today.  The culture of society is evolving.  Business is not being handled just locally or nationally, it is now internationally.  Prior to the presentation, I knew I wanted to major in International Business.  Now, I am sure of my major more than ever after the presentation. 

On Friday, Pat McKeehan came back to the group to help us with our business plans.  He explained to us about how business plan is like a story.  As we are creating and improving on our business plans, Pat told us we have to engage and connect with the people and companies that are looking at them.  We have to take our audience on a journey.  Also, we were able to present our businesses through a 2-minute elevator pitch.  Pat was able to open my perspective on the many questions that may be asked about my business.  I am now really thinking about how I will implement my business to others. 

As I am working on my personal business, I began to contact companies and lawyers.  I have my mock-up of my product created.  None of the companies have contacted me back.  When I called an intellectual property lawyer, I did not realize how much patenting a product or method is.  I need to figure out my finances, too.  I am stressing out a little, but I will overcome it.  Business is not just about the success.  It is about the challenges you face and how you overcome them.  So, this week and on I am going to be confident with myself and believe in that the possibilities are endless.  I can not be risk-taker without taking any risks.  All in all, I am enjoying the journey of learning and can't wait for what else is next.

Written by Sandy Amorado

This week we got the opportunity to go to Lindenwood and learn about international business. We had not covered this until this week so it was interesting to learn more about it. I liked that they had international students come and speak to us about their countries. Dr. Trice and Dr. Barger were both very hospitable and I enjoyed speaking to them. We had not talked to any students until this visit which I actually liked a lot. By talking to the students we learned about their countries and what businesses are like there. I had not really considered going into international business until this presentation either.

Matt, from St. Louis, said, “You need to be able to market to other languages and cultures.” I liked this a lot because America uses resources and companies from all around the world. In order to be huge you have to expand into other countries. By using various marketing strategies and advertising this can be achieved. Social media is the number one way nations come together. Makis, from south Texas, said something inspirational regarding our lives and whatever paths we choose. “You have to take risks because if you don’t you won’t get anywhere. Don’t be afraid.” Erica, from Sweden, said, “People have to learn English to be successful,” when talking about her country and how businesses thrive. Rafael said, “Go to a country that speaks the language you want to learn,” this is apparently an excellent way to pick up phrases and have conversations. According to Dr. Barger, “Currency is a big, big deal.” In order to make think of this until he brought it up.

I really liked going around Belleville with my group to try and get businesses to donate gift-cards. You have to look nice, explain who and what you are, people want to help. I am looking forward to this upcoming Friday to do this again. We should probably give them a flyer about CEO because a lot of people do not know it even exists. 

I am excited about my personal business. Patrick talked to me about ideas and I am ready to start everything. I really need to order the machine I am going to use so I can start my business and learn how to work it. After I learn how to use it I can see what sizes to put on different items and how much the items will cost. I can then make my products and the price sheet. I am looking forward to putting everything together. 

Written by Heather Gosebrink

Our Grand Gala - Pewter Sponsorship

Professional Services Logo

Our Grand Gala - 'Token' Sponsorships

And to conclude this newsletter, we would like thank the businesses who have graciously donated gift cards for our 'Community Chest' raffle:

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