Archived News

Belleville CEO Program Kicks Off the Second Year

Belleville CEO Orientation

Parents, students, and investors mingling before the meeting.

The Belleville CEO Program kicked off the second year last Thursday, August 18.  The students’ home base for the first quarter will be at Allsup, Inc.

Prior to the first day of school, Belleville CEO held an orientation for the new students on Thursday, July 28 at the Welcome Center at Lindenwood University.  Students and parents were introduced to several investors, board members, and the facilitator of the program.  

Two former CEO students, Sandy Amorado and Aliyah Gillespie (not pictured) worked the Welcome table. Sandy and Aliyah gave each of the students a CEO journal (gift from last year’s class), Annual Report, and a Craig Lindvahl support band.
Mr. Ed Hoering did a great job as emcee for the evening.
Mr. Jim Allsup welcomed the new students to CEO and shared a little about his background.
On Friday, August 5, Jaylen, Claire, Epiphany, and Devin, who were unable to attend the orientation, met at The Abbey for a make-up Orientation day.

National Trade Show

Heather and Julie

On June 13, Heather Gosebrink represented Belleville CEO at the National Trade Show in Effingham.  Heather’s business, GoosePrints, did very well at the trade show making a little less $100 in sales. 

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